The following comments are from those who have attended a Survivor Speakout Victim Impact Panel.
February 8, 2025 – Survivor Speakout impact panel was honestly an eye opener in many ways. Not just about the things that got me arrested, but many others things I have done in my life that could have ended badly. And I hope to never leave my daughter fatherless. It puts things into perspective, how easy it all is to lose. No amount of fun is worth losing your life. DR
February 8, 2025 – Steve did a hell of a job. Talk about an eye opener really. The way he delivered the message and told the stories it was very impactful and nice to kind of get that wake up call per se. I honestly think after yesterday that everyone regardless of being on probation or getting in trouble should have to sit though or go through the Speakout and I think it could be very impactful. TL
February 8, 2025 – I learned there’s way more important things than driving under the influence, and nothing is worth giving up everything not being able to see my daughter anymore. Great class, Steve is a great influencer, that really cares about your well-being. NH
February 8, 2025 – The survivor speak out victim impact panel really shows and teaches you what your choices can do to a person that Is innocent. That person should not have their life taken from them from the poor choices and decisions that you made because you wanted to drink or to get high and operate a vehicle. It opened my eyes to see that everything that I do can affect another person. I do not want to take someone’s life due to my choices. It taught me more than I was expecting it to, and it was a slap in the face that was needed. BP
February 8, 2025 – This program forced me to consider the potential negative outcomes of my decisions to others. BR
January 14, 2025 – The impact panel was very graphic, but I honestly believe it has the desired effect. This in conjunction with my outpatient group classes have aided in me being more aware of the dangers my choices have not only for myself but also for family members and by extension anyone who I could place in harms way because of my poor choices. Steve was a very charismatic host with great cadence and tone to give a well put together meeting. CM
January 14, 2025 – It is really an eye opener.. Many think it doesn’t happen that often or it doesn’t happen to you or people you know, but especially once you see someone you know presented in this panel, it really hits you a bit closer to home. Steve was an amazing host and it helps knowing someone who was once in your shoes just wants to help you through and realize what it could have been, and just wants you to be better. JW
January 14, 2025 – The Survivor Speakout Victim Impact Panel was much more than what I was expecting. I found it to be very educational, sad, and moving. It was an eye opener, to say the least. It really highlights the consequences of our decisions and shows how fragile our lives really are. MW
January 14, 2025 – The Survivor Speakout really opened my eyes, being young I’ve never seen these type of images. So seeing someone’s lifeless body really scared me because I could’ve been the one to cause that. I feel like this was a good lesson.
January 14, 2025 – Very insightful and really made me think about the potential consequences of my drinking, the impact it has on the victim and their loved ones. BW
January 14, 2025 – The panel was intense (understandably so), but it was really eye opening. Ever since my arrest it’s made me rethink a lot. It has changed both mine and my girlfriend’s (who was my passenger the night of) outlooks on impaired driving, just like you mentioned, it usually is never anyone’s first time when they’re arrested. I’m glad to say that we’ve been able to make a positive impact on friends and even some family out of my experience. Just wanted to say it was nice having a host who in some way was in the same shoes, and was kind and understanding but all the more helpful at the same time. JW
January 11, 2025 – It’s was very insightful and graphic, yet brought back memories of some friends that had gone through losses as well, the point of it being a conscious choice was empowering. NA
January 11, 2025 – Am so grateful to the two speakers at the survivor speak out victim panel. i must say the panel has made a lot of positive impact. i regret my actions and felt so sad and sorry for the victims. i intend to do better, this has been a great lesson. i appreciate all the families who shared their stories despite the loss of their loved ones, its has helped someone like me to amend, not to be selfish and realize the impact of my own actions whenever am on the wheel. Thank you so much, i never regret attending this panel. God bless. OO
January 11, 2025 – This has a great deal of impact on me today, as I got to see what bad choices can really do, to other people’s families, yourself, ALOT of people, it is not right, it made me view this in a whole new way after really seeing real people and different scenarios, specially one of those mothers that got informed at her job really hit me the most, I actually cried here at this impact panel today. It made me really cherish life differently all together. I will definitely refer people to coming and watching this program it’s a huge help to people out there. Thank you so much. BJ
January 11, 2025 – Just watching the effects it have on others people. To see that mother reaction to her son’s death. Even to think about the father responding to a scene and seeing it was his daughter couldn’t picture the pain he had. LB
January 11, 2025 – This was a great class and very helpful. DO
January 11, 2025 – This program pulled at my heart seeing how quickly accidents can happen and the devastating impact. I thought Steve did a fabulous job leading the class and strongly getting the point across. BM
January 11, 2025 – Watching people loose their loved ones by drunk driver is one of the worst thing that can happen to someone I can’t imagine myself in that situation those videos impacted me a lot. RK
January 11, 2025 – I feel this class serves a very important role in understanding that drinking and driving not only has consequences for the individual but can effect so many more either directly or indirectly. This class should be mandatory for those who did get arrested or known and available to people who are struggling with addiction in either form. Also I think one class is good but I feel there should be more that are mandatory and somehow expand on the issue. DM
January 11, 2025 – The SSO was a real eye opener. I am so grateful that no one was hurt from me drinking and driving. I know it could have been so much worse. Since my arrest, I have made it my personal goal to never drink again. As I think back, alcohol has ruined many family gatherings and events. Alcohol is poison. It is not good for anything. I have felt so much better since I quit and I am thinking clearer. My promise to myself and my children is to stay away from alcohol! EH
November 30, 2024 – I realized how selfish I was not just once but the multiple times I’ve decided to drink and drive. The stories and testimonials from the families actually brought tears to my eyes. I went in there thinking I’ll just be able to watch this and be fine, but this time it hit home for me and it hit home hard! My nephew who was more like a brother to me was involved in a (crash) in 2015 and I don’t know if it was my hurt, stupidity, uncaring, I’m not sure, but his death should have stopped me. Now my eyes are open. AL
November 30, 2024 – It was an experience I will never forget. It was hard to stomach and fathom what could be done behind the wheel while impaired. I will never get behind the wheel and drive impaired ever again because of this experience. BW
November 30, 2024 – The panel was very moving. I felt guilty sitting there, but the victim’s family members were passionate and humane. At one time, I felt myself getting sick. I would love to speak at one of these panels and share how “hitting rock bottom” finally guided me in the right direction. Steve was phenomenal. Thank you so much! BC
November 30, 2024 – When I took an 8 hour class made me feel emotional and sad was thinking only going to be drinking at home when everything is over. But now when I take the 2 hour (Survivor Speakout) class make me going to change my life even better. Thinking about stop drinking so can my full healthy life back and go back finish school. Thank you so much. MD
November 30, 2024 – It’s learn a lesson a whole our life. GS
November 30, 2024 – I thought the panel was in fact very powerful. After having discussed and witnessed the effects that drinking and driving has on, not only others but yourself, I can confidently say that I will think twice before ever getting behind the wheel after having a drink. No matter how much someone thinks they’ll be okay to drive after intoxication the consequences are seriously not worth it. Life is too precious to let it slip away due to drugs or alcohol. DS
November 30, 2024 – I would like to say that (Survivor Speakout) did have an impact on what I do. I will be making better decisions and not drive under the influence. I would rather not be the cause of ruining someone’s family over just wanting to have a night of fun. DC
November 30, 2024 – I found the SSO Victim Impact Panel to be incredibly impactful. It truly made a difference in helping me understand how my choices can affect others and would never want to cause someone the amount of harm that I could have by making those choices. JG
November 30, 2024 – It was very encouraging for me to never drive again with alcohol or drugs effects. I completely understand how dangerous can be for my self and any another person. RA
November 30, 2024 – In all honestly, I went into this class thinking it was essentially going to be a “scared straight program.” It was the opposite, they started the class by letting us know they aren’t mad at us and explained the worst possible outcome of what we could have caused. It was very beneficial and opened my eyes a lot actually. I think Steve and the other speakers make very valid points and should keep continuing this class! TW
November 13, 2024 – This experience was deeply moving, you provided a powerful reminder of the real and often devastating effects of impaired driving. This panel brought to light the emotional toll that impaired driving takes. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate and to better appreciate the importance of accountability in my actions. Thank you for your time. MH
November 13, 2024 – Thank you, that was something every driver needs to see. thank you for being completely honest and blunt with it. I know I will never drive impaired again. its also something I will pass on to my sons. Definitely eye opening. thank you again so much. DG
November 13, 2024 – This session was very real and eye opening to me. I still find myself thinking about these victims and the impact that substance can have well after the fact. As for me, I called the police on myself after arriving home safety with no one involved, but out of guilt of what could have happened. My grandfather was killed by a drunk driver a few years back and the night I got behind the wheel impaired still haunts me. I felt so guilty that night and even though I made it home safe, I felt I deserved the consequences of what could have went wrong. The police arrested me at my home and I did spend the night in jail. This session opened my eyes to the serious consequences of driving under the influence. These cases felt close to home because they are the roads I drive on every day. I want to thank you for your time and for working with me to remain in the session after my technical errors of the microphone not working. I appreciate your time and commitment to the cause. DK
November 13, 2024 – You never understand how driving impaired really affects more then yourself every time you choose to make that decision you are taking the Risk or harming not only yourself but others as well a lot of the times we never think about the consequences of our actions or feel that nothing bad will happen or we tend to think that we’re fine but in reality we are not all it takes is a split second and it can be the the end of your life or someone else’s or even both I believe showing these clips to people so they can get an in-depth look on the reality of what could have happened with the choice we make to drive impaired not gonna lie it shook me a lil bit to see those photos and to think I could of been the reason for one of those life’s being taking it not only makes me not wanna drive impaired but be cautious driving period no one deserves to lose their life because someone made a dumb decision to drive impaired. WH
November 13, 2024 – I attended the Survivor Speakout victim impact panel of November 13th 2024. This has really made a lot of positive impact in me almost immediately because I am a family oriented person and I feel so terrible for the families that shared their stories. I realized that I could have been killer and created a sorrowful moment for a family and my family, too. I cried, I feel sorry for the victims. I intend to do better, this has been a great lesson. Thank you to the families who shared their stories despite the loss of their loved ones, God bless you. KK
November 13, 2024 – I truly appreciate your time today to help me better understand the importance of NOT drinking and driving. The presentation was impactful and brought difficult situations to light which gave me insights into others’ experiences. This class has helped me realize the impact of my own actions and I will share what I went through, experienced and learned with others. Thank you. BB
November 13, 2024 – I attended Survivor Speakout and I have to say it was eye opening. It was very sad. I feel for all the victims and thank God I haven’t been in these situations but I easily could have been. I don’t ever want to be behind a wheel drunk again and be the cause of a death of someone; or mine for that matter. I will be sharing the stories of the videos to hopefully prevent someone else from having something tragic happen to them. DH
November 9, 2024 – I learned a lot from you. I appreciate everything you’re doing to keep people like me from killing the innocent. MC
November 9, 2024 – Attending the Survival Speakout Victim Panel had a profound impact on the way I view life and the decisions I make for my future. Listening to the heartbreaking stories shared by families who have been affected truly opened my eyes to a reality I could never fully grasp before. The pain and loss they endure are unimaginable, and my heart goes out to all those who had the courage to share their stories. As a parent of two young sons, aged 18 and 19, I have always wanted to be a positive role model for them, to show them the importance of making the right choices. These stories made me realize how grave the consequences of poor decisions can be, not just for the individual, but for families and communities. I understand now more than ever how crucial it is to think carefully about the paths we choose in life. I am incredibly thankful that I was removed from the streets before I could cause any harm. Reflecting on my past, I recognize how much danger I could have put myself and others in. I am grateful for the opportunity to change, and for the people who helped guide me to a better place. Since then, I’ve shared these stories with my sons and those around me, hoping to pass on the lessons I’ve learned. I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Steve for providing such an impactful program. The education I received has not only changed my perspective, but it has also given me the tools to share this knowledge with others. The work you do is invaluable, and I truly appreciate the service you provide to the community. CB
November 9, 2024 – In truth, I wasn’t expecting for this class to affect me as it did. I truly found it to be an inspiration. It made me realize how selfish I had been in the past. I’m blessed to have had those few hours and the words you spoke, the testimonials and the images. It made me realize a lot of things about myself and my future actions. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. SM
November 9, 2024 – My wife and I attended the November 9th 2024 SSO class. Our hearts go out to the families impacted. It’s a very educational panel that gives you a look at the bad decision you make by being impaired. I want to thank the families and Steve for the impact the SSO has had on me. Thank you for everything you do and God bless you all! RS
November 9, 2024 – Survivor Speakout was definitely an eye opener and all around great educational program. I would recommend it to anybody that would like to learn more about these programs or just become more educated. DJ
November 9, 2024 – Wow, I will now be a good ambassador and a role model to everyone around me and talk or speak about the effects and consequences of driving and driving. AK
October 29, 2024 – I now definitely understand how dangerous and severe it is to drink or use drugs while driving, especially with a passenger. The videos helped me realize that my life was going down the wrong path and showing me all the damages that could be done while operating under the influence. I am thankful and grateful that this class has taught me a lot. GM
October 29, 2024 – It was really heartbreaking to see all these people pass the way that they did, it definitely made me take a step back and look at what I’ve done in the past and what actions I took. YD
October 29, 2024 – It didn’t take long for me to be grateful for my arresting officer. He stopped me before I bent any metal, injured myself or, the worst possible scenario, injured someone else. I was on a path of self-destruction, angry at the world for my situation (I am progressing through a divorce). The DUI, and everything that accompanies it (the arrest, the handcuffs, the orange suit, the night in jail, the day in court, the probation…not to mention humiliation and shame and myriad other negative emotions) was my wake up call to be better. Do better. A dear friend recommended two books that have helped me be more self-aware and left me striving to improve: The Road Back to You and Falling Upward. Perhaps my mention of them will help others. I am grateful for Steve Pyatte and his decades of service to the community leading countless sessions like this. The video was horribly graphic, but real. It clearly demonstrated the reality of what could have been, which fills me with dread. Like Steve pointed out, I decided to be arrested for DUI. I am now deciding the DUI was my rock bottom. My decision could have had a bottomless outcome, but gratefully, God gave me another chance to do right. JD
October 12, 2024 – It was very moving for me especially when it showed the parent being told of her son’s death. I would never want to be the person that caused that much pain to anyone. SK
October 12, 2024 – Watching all of the tragedy caused by impaired drivers broke my heart. I was trying (unsuccessfully) to choke back tears during every video. Even had to cover my eyes a few times. I kept thinking of my kids and g’children. Wish it was a law to play these in schools and or driving classes. We’ve seen cars crashed but what we do not see are the victims. It’s horrific. BM
October 12, 2024 – The (panel) has brought a new perspective on how a simple night out could become catastrophic. Driving is dangerous already, let alone in a poor physical or mental state. Don’t risk it, get a ride. AC
October 12, 2024 – Today was a very hard and eye opening day for me. I want to thank Steve for everything that he does. Helping people to realize how many lives can be charged because you choice to drive drunk or high. Seeing the victims and the mother in the video was so sad. It made me realize I could have done that to someone. Or to think that could happen to one of my kids or grandkids, may me sick to my stomach. It was definitely educational. Again I like to thank Steve and also thank the officer and the families that allowed their loved ones story to be told. DC
October 12, 2024 – I saw today at the panel how drinking and driving impacts the victums and how it impacts the family of the victim. How the accident can affect everyone for a long period of time and even a life time. KB
October 12, 2024 – I found a deep appreciation from the knowledge that I learned during the session today. Having videos and images shown truly opened up my eyes to how my own actions can affect others permanently. Seeing other families going through traumatizing events makes you realize that life is precious and can be taken at any given moment. I have started spreading knowledge to my family and friends about how dangerous driving can be as well as the substances that can play apart in it all. Its heartbreaking to see the long term affects and the scars that it leaves on all the victims loved ones but knowing that their legacy continues is heartwarming and can be used to help stop future situations. I wish everyone in the world could attend and see how much of an impact being under the influence and driving can cause. Thank you for opening up my eyes and spreading awareness please continue to do this so others can be impacted as well. -NE
October 12, 2024 – Hello, I recently attended the Impact Panel. Without question one of the saddest yet powerful experiences of my life. I believe we all need to be more responsible in life, not just for our actions and the consequences but for our families friends and community. I was court ordered to attend but believe more people should attend the meetings. I Pray for the victims and the family’s of what should and could have been prevented. No excuse for being impaired and being behind the wheel of any vehicle. May God slow us all down from being so selfish and irresponsible. Put down your phones while driving Everyone and certainly do not drive under the influence of any substance. Life is dangerous enough with distractions. When driving just drive and if not for yourself than for others. God Bless all who have been effected by foolishness. You are all in my Prayers now and forever DDP
October 12, 2024 – I went (to Survivor Speakout) having no idea what to expect. Seeing Bryce’s mom hit home hard and I could feel her pain. My attitude as far as “I only had a couple drinks” has certainly changed since it was my decision to drive under the influence and because of irresponsible decisions like that, his mom will never the able to see her son live again. As a mom, I felt her pain. Buzzed driving is still driving under the influence no matter how you look at. Never again !!! FA
October 12, 2024 – This panel is very important now knowing what it is, as are many. I think I will try to get my half sisters to go to this when they start driving soon. I believe showing the images and videos of someone’s actions are really crucial to get the message across, since just sitting in a circle talking only gets you so far. With doing groups and panels such as these, I now strive to also essentially educate people I am around either family/friends or even strangers. Thank you Steve. JB
October 10, 2024 – I appreciate the information and the raw truth that we delivered on this panel. I knew one of the victims and that made it hit home even harder for me. The mistakes we make don’t define us as people, but at least we’re still here to make the necessary changes and these victims are not. We owe it to them to make better decisions moving forward. BJ
October 10, 2024 – i was impacted deeply by this meeting. i honestly never thought about my actions when driving high because i knew in my mind im was ok and that i had things i needed to go do and get done so yes i was selfish about my actions. I regret making all the dumb decisions that i did make while intoxicated and i now know that if it was to happen again i could injurie or possibly kill someone or myself in the future if i was to get high and drive again. i am glad that there is a program like this that can educate people about driving intoxicated. JM
October 10, 2024 – First, I’d really like to tell you how appreciative I was of how you respected each of us paying close attention to the lives lost, their stories, as well as their families and took away distractions caused by others. Watching each situation hit me in a different manner. As a mother of girls 17 and 20 years old, sister of a firefighter, and race track mom to a great group of “kids”…those families were all intertwined in my life in separate ways. The night of my arrest, I had 2 drinks over a 5 hour period and was taking a friend home. I felt tired but really didn’t think anything outside of wanting to get her home safely. I now see regardless of amount or situation, my thoughts or lack thereof can affect so many others! Seriously, thank you for seeing that in yourself and passing that knowledge on without judgment. God Bless You, Steve. JS
October 10, 2024 – It has been a year since I chose to drive with alcohol in my system and no one can beat me up better than myself- I am 100% confident in that. Not a day goes by that I do not feel completely ashamed and sorrowful for the decision that I made. The impact panel just reaffirmed this feeling. The one survivor story that really hit home with me was the footage of Bryce’s mother. I connected with every reaction she had, as a mother myself. I fear for my own children every time I get out on the road or when they are driving in their own vehicles for that very reason, and for me to put someone else’s baby in harm’s way makes me completely regret my decision to drink that day and to make the choice I did ten-fold all over again. I was being selfish, trying to run from my anxieties and fears so that I could just feel better. All of the stories and images from the scenes took hold of my heart and I am truly full of sorrow and will never put someone else in that kind of danger or pain again. Thank you for sharing the session with me- I appreciate your approach towards those attending, as we need to just hear the truth, no sugar necessary. I also appreciate your caring personality for all, I was unsure what to expect of the session at first. CM
September 21, 2024 – I know my decision to drive impaired was wrong, but I didn’t know how wrong it truly was. Attending this victim impact panel today really opened my eyes to the severity of driving while impaired. I have seen shows before where you see crashes and whatnot, but seeing real photos and video from these victims really opened my eyes to the impact of one stupid decision I could make. The body cam footage that was shown is what impacted me the most during the meeting. I truly can’t imagine what it would be like to receive news like that. The instant terror in her voice, face, and body language was absolutely horrific. I pray to God that I will never have to experience what that mother and father went through that day, or any of the victim’s families. I especially don’t want to be the person behind the wheel that could potentially kill anyone else on the road. I want to give my thanks to the family’s that gave their permission to share their stories with me today. I think that it made a major impact on the way I view driving impaired on any substance. And I hope this program continues to reach out to others that need this. Thanks for taking your time out of your day and God bless. AT
September 21, 2024 – This program was very eye opening and graphic to the direct result of driving impaired. Showing the devastation to many lives cause by one person and one person only, the one who made the decision to drive under the influence. While showing the horrific outcome of poor decision making while behind the wheel the instructor showed love and compassion just like he would to anyone in the world. CH
September 21, 2024 – I appreciate the work that you do and I am thankful for the way that you address your participants, I feel as if you realize that those closest to us and ourselves have demeaned the decisions we have made and don’t feel the need to add to that scale. DL
September 21, 2024 – I am speechless at what I have seen except that it makes me sick to think that I could have been responsible for any of those tragedies. JT————————–
September 10, 2024 – Very eye opening and horrifying. But in a way that was necessary. Makes it much easier to make the changes necessary to never be behind the wheel unless perfectly sober ever again. LD
September 10, 2024 – Survivor’s Speak Out was a very impactful presentation. The stories are very graphic and very eye-opening. Even while giving a heart wrenching presentation, Steve was still very inspirational and loving. He is a bright light.SW
September 10, 2024 – I appreciate your time and wisdom that you provided this evening. The call wasn’t what I expected. Not that I haven’t thought about how my consequences could had been worse in my situation, but seeing actual real life scenarios really hit different. Especially seeing the reaction to Bryce’s mother, thinking I could had caused someone’s family to be in the same state. The whole presentation was deep. With me being in this situation I glad I got to experience it, and need to make better decisions in the future to not purposely put myself in this situation again. Thank you once again and be safe. Love SJ
September 10, 2024 – I just want to say thank you and PTL for your message, I’m so thankful I didn’t hurt anyone or myself. Your raw transparent emotion was felt and most definitely heard. I’m very embarrassed by my decision and wish I could take that day back. i thank the officers for doing their job, I hope someday to tell them in person. All 7 of my children were so upset with me, not to mention my wife. I do thank you for your time and wish you the best. Again, THANK YOU! DM
August 31, 2024 -The class was very humbling and graphic! To see the raw emotion on these survivors faces and voices are ones I will carry with me forever! The class was very necessary and will impact my future decisions! EB
August 31, 2024 – This was very eye opening to see the effects in my community of impaired driving. JD
August 31, 2024 – Survivor Speakout is a very impacting class and much needed to bringing better choices in my life. Awareness I never gave a lot of thought to. It made me think just how many life’s can be affected!
Steve is very passionate about having and educating everyone he talks with on using and under the influence of any substance while getting behind the wheel of a vehicle. I am thankful for having attended. TS
August 31, 2024 – I had the misfortune of getting a DUI back in October of 2022. Since it was my first time ever getting arrested or committing an offense, I was scared and I didn’t know what to do. Watching those videos who lost their lives from (someone else) driving under the influence was so scary and really showed me how dangerous it was to drive while being impaired. I told myself that never think go back to the crime that made me go through it again. NS
August 31, 2024 – What a touching experience. I, myself have a daughter, and couldn’t imagine losing her to addiction or even being a victim to someone else’s addiction. I was not prepared for the images shown in the presentation but I honestly think I needed them to be shown to me. Just the cruelty of the images alone were such an eye opener. I’m scared to continue to be addicted to weed and alcohol and just going through my day, driving. That scares me. I needed this and although I was mandated to do so, I’m glad I was put through it. Thank you so much Steve for putting your time into this and putting it all so straight and forward for people to see. God bless you and all those that volunteer to help support your cause. You’re an angel sent from God. KT
August 31, 2024 – Very emotional and moving class. Hoping it touches others as it touched me. Driving under the influence is not worth my life or anyone else’s. RG
August 31, 2024 – Saying that hearing the voices of those who have lost their loved ones was heartbreaking, would be an understatement. The emotions and the heartache i endured while listening to these stories was more than enough for me to understand the actions of my consequences. Thankfully I did not hurt anyone or myself. Sadly though, what I did do did indeed cause the ones I love to be disappointed in me. I send my deepest condolences to the family’s that spoke today and to those that are not ready to speak. What these families went through is unimaginable. One survivor said “even if I can reach just one of you” and he definitely did. Hopefully everyone that did attend today will forever think back to these stories before they decide to drink and drive. JC
August 31, 2024 – I cried throughout 75% of the panel at least. I was particularly moved by the testimony of the mother who lost her 23-year-old son. For many reasons. I saw her reaction on video when they notified her of her son‘s passing. TK
August 31, 2024 – I attended the Survivor Speakout program today as a result of me getting an OWI. This program had a very impactful effect on me. I know the different situations that could have happened the night I was drinking and driving and I am so grateful that I only got pulled over and arrested and that I didn’t do anything worse. Seeing those pictures and videos today made me realize that I could have done a lot worse. I could have ruined my life as well as someone else’s. Listening to the mother of one of the victims speak really broke my heart. It is very sad that families have to lose a loved one just because people are irresponsible and drink too much and get behind the wheel of a car. I am honestly embarrassed to be one of those people that has done that. Even tho I was already changing and learning for my mistake, attending this class has given me the ability to confidently say that I will absolutely NEVER in my life drink and drive again. I am happy that I did have to do this. Thank you for the opportunity. LB
August 31, 2024 – Survivor Speakout was a very eye opening experience. It makes you think about how your actions can lead to deadly consequences. As someone who has received an OWI offense, this class has made me realize how lucky I was that I didn’t get hurt and most importantly how I didn’t hurt anyone else in my community. This class was very educational and gives people a reality check on how your actions can affect others. I highly recommend and encourage others to attend. It makes you sit back and think about your choices. JM
August 30, 2024 – I was not sure what to expect when registering for this panel. I found it very impactful and humbling as well. I do realize the consequences of my actions and bad decision to drive. By the grace of God I am here today, and I do not take that lightly. Thank you for telling the victim’s stories. I relate in so many ways having grown children and grandchildren now. Yes, the images were gruesome, but will stick with me in my mind. I know I was required to attend as a condition of probation, but I think this education would be valuable to all drivers prior to a conviction or charge. SP
August 30, 2024 – I had to take the Survivor Speakout panel because I crashed my car, was drunk, and received an OWI. This is my second time attending, this time through Zoom, and I have to admit, seeing the pictures on my monitor, up close, was a lot more impactful than seeing them in the forum setting. It’s such an important message to be getting out there, I wish I had listened the first time. NS
August 14, 2024 – Attending this zoom meeting was a great reminder of the devastating consequences of drunk driving. Each victim featured here had a life full of potential, dreams, and loved ones who now must endure an unimaginable loss. Their stories are a powerful call to action for all of us to make responsible choices and never get behind the wheel under the influence. Let their memories inspire us to prevent such tragedies in the future. Thanks again to Steve for hosting this meeting. AS
August 14, 2024 – Attending the Survivor Speakout was a wake-up call I desperately needed. Hearing firsthand from the victims and their families made me realize the profound impact of my actions. It wasn’t just about the legal consequences—I came face-to-face with the pain and suffering that my choices could have caused. This experience opened my eyes to the reality that one moment of poor judgment can change lives forever. I’m committed to making better decisions and ensuring that I never put anyone through that kind of pain again. OO
August 14, 2024 – Everything that I watched on the meeting filled me with sadness, and I had to reflect on a lot of things about the consequences that could’ve had happened due to my poor choices of driving impaired. I now learned that not only I cause damage to myself, but other innocent people and families. I will never drive under the influence of anything because taking someone’s life away is something that nothing will help bring that back and I thank God that this was not my situation and I take this as a new opportunity too do better! JR
August 14, 2024 – I think it is appropriate to show the images of the victims as part of the program. It is gory but necessary. That’s what will get most people to realize the potential harm they may have caused. Like Steve says, we were the lucky ones who got arrested before something like this could happen and that is a great point. Most of the victims are very young which makes it even more tragic although he does share the story of an 80 year old couple who where also victims as well. I want to thank Steve for taking the time to share these stories with everyone as well as sharing his background and story that lets everyone know, all these people who killed these innocent victims were just like us. JG
August 14, 2024 – This class provided a sad reality/truth. It was at times very hard to witness what was being shown, but in its own way, had to be done to deliver the point it was intended to make. My perspective & outlook have been altered tremendously. I must admit, very hard to watch. I am grateful my own situation didn’t end up like those, but just feel terrible about those who did, and the victims who didn’t ask for it. I carry a lot of shame for my actions, and appreciate the lesson you delivered. .CM
July 29, 2024 – From hearing the stories of each victim, to seeing raw images of pain/grief, this panel has left a lasting impact. Steve not only highlighted the devastating effects of driving impaired but also reinforced the importance of making responsible, life saving decisions. It was a powerful reminder that our choices have far-reaching and irreversible consequences. MW
July 29, 2024 – Thanks Steve! Great message horrible circumstances. It is horrible that we put ourselves in positions like these. My heart goes out to the families that have lost their loved ones to these circumstances. I am embarrassed to say that my own actions could have caused a horrific accident like this. I am great full that my actions didn’t take a life or seriously injure anyone. Drugs and alcohol doesn’t just impair your driving it impairs your judgment. Which is why I am 10 months sober right now and will continue my path of sobriety for the rest of my life. I would rather keep my judgment clear. JG
July 29, 2024 – I was angry for a long time I got so bad the only way I can describe it is I felt soulless or dead. Today I understand God was steering me left showing me a path of what life would become I didn’t make it to the end of the left pack because if found myself just like God intended. Now I’ll do best to walk down the right path and know I am blessed with life I am given each morning I wake up is a gift from God. JC
July 29, 2024 – Today I witnessed some very life changing photos, as talked about in class, you aren’t thinking of others when you decided to drive impaired. I am subject to the same thought and I will forever be grateful I didn’t kill or injure anyone during my night of poor decision making but this class definitely brought to light things that I would’ve never thought would happen to me. This class helped open my eyes on truly how dangerous it was for me to drive impaired. BC
July 27, 2024 – I attended SSO and doing so has showed me that being selfish can do much harm to others. I use to go out not caring what happens to me, knowing consequences, I just didn’t care. I now think of others who actually do care about they life family, I shouldn’t let my emotions impact somebody else’s life.. I have 5 children and I want them to grow up being great people, but if I go through life being careless, they could possibly lose me forever. SSO is a wonderful program for people that are trying to find a path to recovery. I am 160 days sober and SSO showed me that I have made the right choice. I appreciate the care that they show. They show people that’s having a hard time caring about their own life, that someone cares about you and want to see you do better. THANK YOU SSO. MB
July 27, 2024 – This is definitely an eye opener! I take accountability for my actions and thank God nobody was hurt. This class comes from true experiences and the heart. We make our own decisions and will and do have to live with the consequences. May we ALL remember that when we get behind the wheel! KH
July 27, 2024 – After attending I realized how lucky I was not to have harm anymore or myself. I have always taught my children never to drive drunk and to always call me no matter what time. I just wished I would have taken my own advice that night! I just know seeing the victims have changed my life to make better decisions and to not mess up anyone else’s life off of a very bad decision! MP
July 27, 2024 – The stories and testimonies of the victims really hit home with me, seeing the photos and knowing exactly where these accidents/crashes took place and realizing the reality of what can happen do to impaired driving, I regret the decisions I’ve made in the past about being willing to drive impaired! In these videos I seen today I couldn’t help but picturing my loved ones going through or experiencing these scenarios I’ve witnessed today and it really broke my heart realizing it could be them!
I feel deep regret for my past and will I will be striving to make the best decisions for the people who live in my community and myself from this day forward! DG
June 29, 2024 – I’ve realized how Our Great Lord has blessed and me and family members with so many grateful reasons to live. After seeing this this victim impact panel/Survivor Speakout, all of the testimonials that I saw and witnessed, the awakening pictures, made me wake up to all of the possibilities that could happen at any given time due to being impaired behind the wheel of a vehicle costing the life of any children of God. Thinking about these brave and strong parents/guardians speaking out about their lost beloved children/family members, made me realize that my selfish reasons could not amount to the toll of taking anyone’s life away in an instant. I’ve learned so many reasons why I will never ever make the decision to operate a motor vehicle, while being under the influence of any drug. This has changed my life for the greater good and the betterment of my health and the health/safety of my entire family and most importantly the entire world around me. JK
June 29, 2024 – Just want to start by saying thanks to the instructor and the brave and courageous mothers who spoke about their significant loved ones whom they lost. It touched me deeply seeing the mothers grieve as if they just recently lost their babies and it’s been some years. Honestly at first I wasn’t looking forward to the panel, but afterwards my perspective completely changed. The slideshow presentation was a real eye opener of the seriousness it is to make the choice to be under the influence and drive. It’s selfish to yourself, your loved ones, and fellow drivers on the road. Being impaired doesn’t mean just alcohol/drugs, but impairment can also come from being distracted by use of a cell phone, arguing with a spouse, or even a crying baby in the backseat. You should always have the utmost level of focus when driving so that you can remain safe as well as look out for the safety of others. Overall, the panel was a great experience and opened my eyes even more to the dangers of driving impaired. Life is real and shouldn’t be taken for granted. MC
June 29, 2024 – This was a good program by Steve, the deputy and speakers for the victims. Was sad to see old neighbors and close friends in the video, but hopefully it opens peoples eyes to mistakes that most of us have made in the past. Thanks to everybody involved in the program for doing what they do, keep up the good work. TA
June 29, 2024 – I really feel so sad after watching these videos and hearing the Survivors. SA
June 29, 2024 – I learned to never drive impaired again. The videos and stories I heard and saw truly scared me. IN
June 29, 2024 – My heart goes out to the two speakers. I lost a brother to a drunk driver so I just understand how strong they are to re live that loss. The pictures were eye openers being the severity of the crashes. RL
June 27, 2024 – Your impact panel is very informative and helpful in my recovery. I better understand the outcome of my selfish actions and the tragic toll that it takes on families and friends of victims. I thank you for taking your time to talk to all of us about this very bad, ongoing issue in the world. JW
June 27, 2024 – Listening, viewing, and seeing all the descriptions of these horrific scenes was so impactful, especially seeing the damages to vehicles and live pictures was heartbreaking. I really realized what can happen at any given moment. One of the hardest things that I have struggled with at times in my life is actually seeing the damage that has been caused. Immediately after I was arrested, I gave up all alcohol and drinking. I have not had a single drink since that day. I promised myself that this was the one (and only) time that I was going to be in trouble with the law. No questions asked, I will return to being the designated driver for all of my neighbors, friends, family, and even acquaintances. Thank you for this impactful panel. SG
June 27, 2024 – Going through Survivor Speakout has been an eye opening experience. To see first hand evidence and proof of what driving under the influence can do to a family would make anyone reconsider their choices and strive to do better in the future. JZ
June 27, 2024 – I attended the online class and must say it completely changed my point of view
about driving impaired. The damage pain and suffering I can cause so many people. I lost friends and family due to impaired driving, but never took it seriously. Thanks for the wake up call. RF
May 18, 2024 – Dear Steve and Survivors Speakout, I recently attended the program on May 18th. The mothers’ speaking out about losing their sons’ and watching the officers body cam footage her being told her son is dead impacted me the most because I am a “Momma’s boy.” That sparked the thought that my DUI/crash could have been life altering for my Mom and my family. That made me sick to my stomach. I never much thought about the ripple effect a person’s actions can have on other peoples lives. This program impacted in waking me up to how dangerous drinking and driving really is, and how important it is to have a plan in place so you don’t get behind the wheel impaired risking your life or someone else’s. Thank you for the opportunity to share my testimony. DH
April 10, 2024 – I attended Survivor Speakout and honestly it changed the way I seen life as I knew it. Every time we leave home, we are not promised to come back. Someone like myself, is always on the road being selfish, and has no idea the harm, hurt, and danger he/she are putting not only their self in, but others as well. From this day on I will always say something to someone I see trying to get behind the wheel impaired, also, I will always be on the lookout for others around me whom I haven’t a clue what’s in their system, but you never know when it’s your time. I definitely was impacted by this Speakout it will follow me the rest of my life. Thanks to all who made it possible, it’s a life changing session I recommend to all. God Bless. TW
April 10, 2024 – The experience that I had during this meeting was overwhelmingly positive and eye-opening. I hope that no ever has to go through this course and make better decisions than I made for me to be here but I believe that whoever does take this course will come out of it with a better mindset by the end of the two hours. CC
April 6, 2024 – Survivor Speakout 100% reinforced the conclusion I had came to of drunk driving not being worth it after my DWI. All of those reasons I had for it not being worth doing were selfish ones, the losses I took because of my mistake, but a few thousand dollars in fines and fees, some probation time and totaling a $20,000 car is nothing compared to taking someone’s life and leaving their family with a void that can never be filled. I now see it from both a selfish and selfless perspective, and that only makes my decision to never do it again stronger. JH
March 26, 2024 – This program moved me…. I found myself tearing up at the loss these families had to endure and I vow to NEVER make this mistake again. God forgive me. KB
March 26, 2024 – This program completely blew my mind. I had no idea the consequences my selfish actions could cause. Seeing the agony family members go through from losing a loved one was not easy to watch nut yet it was very important to experience. Never will i put myself and most importantly others at risk by driving impaired. This program should be required before receiving a license in all honesty so people truly understand the impact they could have on somebody’s life, and their own, every time they get behind the wheel impaired. YS
February 24, 2024 – I’ve had an opportunity to attend this class and it’s given me a perspective that I’m sure will last a life time. Hearing and learning of real stories of tragedy, followed by hearing directly from the victim’s family will have ever lasting ripple effects throughout my life and the choices that I make. I personally want to thank all involved that opened up and shared some of the most painful aspects of their life, in effort to help educate and help prevent future pain and loss in others lives. MB
February 24, 2024 – With the whole legal and personal process of what I am going through, this Impact Panel was by far the most eye opening and educational for me as an individual! The victims stories along with family testimonial’s hit home for me and my way of life going forward…Steve is the perfect coordinator for this program and speaks with passion! I have complete respect and empathy for (most importantly) the loved ones that represented the victims. MA
January 25, 2024 – After going through the the program tonight I was so affected by the images and the unbelievable accidents that these victims were involved in because all I could think about was the thought of my daughter or wife being a victim in one of these awful accidents that was caused by someone just like me. I attended a similar program for Marion county probation about a decade ago and it didn’t even compare to what this program does. I think everyone who has a license should see what I saw tonight because I guarantee it would cut down on impaired driving. Steve did a fantastic job on expressing the severity of what these victims went through. AM
January 20, 2024 – Thank you Steve, and Mrs. King. I WAS SELFISH. Those words I will never say again, because I will never be selfish with others lives. Understanding the impact of something that could of happened, I was lucky, that I was pulled over. After the presentation I seen today, and a mother missing her son, impacted me greatly. NEVER AGAIN!! TF
January 20, 2024 – I liked that the Survivor Speakout class was emotional and a total eye-opener. Bryce King’s mother is one strong individual to be able to speak about the death of her son. I am going to make better decisions and choices. JC
January 13, 2024 – Wow…is really the first thing that comes to my mind. To anyone reading this, please remind yourself that every choice you make can impact someone else. You may not think that you will cause harm, and I’m certain that it is no ones intention to cause harm, but neither did anyone else who made the poor choice of driving while impaired. People die…innocent people… Please please PLEASE be responsible, and never operate a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Thank you, Steve, for allowing us to be a part of your presentation. JF
January 13, 2024 – My heart breaks for all of the family and friends of those whose lives have been taken or impacted by someone, like myself, who drove impaired. I did not, thanks to God, hurt anyone but myself. However, I could have and this presentation gave me a reality check that was much needed. God Bless You Steve and all the other Speakers that share your stories. MH
January 13, 2024 – Honest, direct, empathetic, and definitely impactful. Steve presents from a place of immense love for all people: the victims, the families of victims, and those of us who made the mistake of driving impaired. JN
November 14, 2023 – I learned my lesson and I feel bad for what happened. I saw all the videos (of the victims) and will not repeat the mistake (of driving impaired) ever in my life. JS
November 14, 2023 – Survivor Speakout is very impactful. Having lost friends and family from alcohol related events and crashes hits home. At times after making my poor choice I saw myself deflecting or making excuses for myself. The fact is, I am grateful and very lucky I did not harm someone else. I take full accountability for what I did and have learned from my actions. The class isn’t to degrade you, it’s fair, honest, and effective. SG
November 14, 2023 – I have to say I am not from Hendricks county. I live about 3 hours away and I’ve had a previous OWI(foolish I know) and in my area it was not mandated to do a victim impact panel. They require substance abuse classes. I have to say Steve was a great speaker was very frank but never condescending. I would also like to say I am a recovered alcoholic and that this impact panel was much more impactful then any of the substance abuse classes I’ve done. Keep up the good work! EB
November 11, 2023 – I did not know what to expect at the beginning of the panel. It was incredibly impactful and most importantly realistically depicts the heart breaking reactions, photos, and stories the victims and family of victims had to endure. Steve is very personable and reminds the offenders that we are all on the same level. No one is better than the next, and that allows the offenders to have an open mind and heart through the panel. ST
November 9, 2023 – I’m very grateful I attended this panel. It was very moving and hard to watch and after everything happened to me I understood the importance of driving under the influence but this panel made me even more conscious about the consequences and how lucky I am to be here because it could have been so much worst. MV
November 1, 2023 – Wow! First, Steve was a great speaker and put together a great presentation. I was very apprehensive at first, but he made me feel very comfortable. Very genuine guy, but very real and raw. The images I saw and the stories I heard will forever stick with me! I was very irresponsible for my actions and very lucky I didn’t hurt anyone or myself! You think it wouldn’t/ couldn’t happen to you, but it very well could. The victims families are forever impacted by your choice of driving impaired! Seeing the pictures of victims before the crashes, and seeing them after will forever stick with me! The mother being told she lost her son was so heartbreaking! I do not ever want to be responsible for destroying someone’s life! Very, very impactful! It will definitely make a huge difference for me as far as ever being impaired and getting behind the wheel! Thank you Steve! LS
November 1, 2023 – Was very eye opening and also brutal to watch. Never seen real life consequences of choosing to drive impaired. The body cam footage of the mom being notified of the lose of her son was heart breaking. Definitely makes you think twice about making bad choices. I for one was very lucky to not have caused death to myself or anyone else. SL
November 1, 2023 – First and foremost I want to I’m so sorry to all the people that ever lost anyone due to impaired drivers. I want to say thanks to Steve for being such an angel on this earth. You are gifted and definitely respected! The way he spoke and provided us with the knowledge of how important it is to not drive under the influence will forever stick with me. The videos and stories that were shared were not only eye opening but very heartbreaking. I honestly can say I will never drive impaired ever again. I will do my best to spread the word of his important is it too! I want to be a voice for all the people , deceased and suffering from any loss. Thanks again Steve , I truly enjoyed your time tonight. RC
October 28, 2023 – I honestly appreciate having the opportunity to attend the Survivor Speakout Victim Impact Panel. Hearing the actual stories of actual victims from Hendricks County touched my heart and hit home closer than I may have expected. Hearing the instructor tell us that he loves us and cares about our well being along with all of his other neighbors was heart warming because I was raised in a God fearing household myself! He was very genuine and I appreciate the knowledge he bestowed upon me. I definitely will be making better decisions because I do care about my life along with everyone else’s who is privileged to be on any and every road with me! Thank you so much and God Bless everyone who plays a role in this mind & life changing panel! ~RM
September 27, 2023 – I agree with the statement you made that I am one of the lucky ones to have been pulled over from the beginning, however, this gave me more insight on if I had not been so lucky. I will be 23 so to hear the body cam footage of Bryce’s mother put things into perspective for me. What if I wasn’t arrested? What if that was my mom? This definitely helped with my sobriety. LP
September 27, 2023 – Loved ones of the deceased are the true victims. Seeing and hearing the horror of a mother that just lost her child will stick with me for the rest of my life. KA
September 12, 2023 – First and for most I would like to say Steve did an excellent job with the class. I just want to personally say how much this class touched my soul and struck such a major cord with me. What heart breaking stories, what a powerful message seeing this side of it. We all think that we are invincible and that no, it could never happen to me but the reality is, it can happen to anyone no matter which side of it you’re on. This class definitely helped spread awareness and I appreciate everyone involved in the process. What a powerful class and message. CW
September 9, 2023 – Steve, I think what you do with this program is eye opening. I hope to keep my sobriety going. DL
August 23, 2023 – Extremely moving! Certainly will make a huge difference for the better when it comes to bad decisions when getting behind the wheel. DS
July 15. 2023 – I feel this class is very insightful of what can happen. When I arrived home I hugged my children, then I sat on my bed and cried. Seeing those children lose their lives for no reason hit really hard. DV
July 15, 2023 – I felt like the program was a great eye opener. The part where you say we are the lucky ones is very true. I never thought of it like that until after watching the program. We are very lucky, no one was hurt, no damages to anything. Things could have turned out much worse the class was lucky. Steve thank you for the work you put into the program also thank you for no lecture and being honest about your past and keeping us all on the same level. I would recommend the program to anyone not just people who has to watch it. Its a great eye opener . Thank you Steve. RW
July 6, 2023 – Steve, Thank You for doing what you do! The Survivor speak out presentation was very powerful! I am still thinking about it! DC
July 6, 2023 – Now was the best timing for me to see this. I’ve been sober for 2 and a half years and I had a new baby a few months ago. I was like beyond horrified seeing the presentation, not just because it was graphic but because I was pretty cavalier about my behavior because I never hurt anyone but myself. Thank you for the reminder. I always have a lot of guilt about a lot of stuff from my past, but it really never just like hit me in the face how many times I came so close to killing someone and how petty my guilt over the injustices I did to myself are when you see it that way. I’m so glad I never hurt anyone. There’s no way I’ll be the problem in that way ever again. And not just because I’m trying to save myself the trouble of another charge. Which was honestly my main reason for sobriety and compliance sometimes. Mostly selfish reasons sadly, but thank you for making other people a little more real to me. I’m sure that sounds horrible but I don’t think I ever saw outside my own pains and problems as clearly as I did in your class. MH
June 13, 2023 – I was so emotional when I saw videos and I decided to quit drinking and driving. SN
June 7, 2023 – I want to thank Steve for the message he gave us I will never forget it! I am ashamed of what I did and have learned from it. It only takes a moment to destroy someone’s life or your own by drinking and driving there is no excuse for it period! The families that spoke at the victim impact panel have great courage I will keep all victim’s families in my prayers because only through our God The Lord Jesus Christ is the only way we have the strength to face each day knowing we will see all our loved ones again! JH
June 7, 2023 – Everyone needs this even new drivers. DW
June 7, 2023 – I want to thank Steve Pyatte and (the) families who came to talk to me and share their stories that evening. I was court ordered to come, but I’m glad I had too. I will never forget that evening listening to everything that was said to me. I am a very emotional person, and ever since my arrested at the end of January to the night of the impact class, there hasn’t been a day to where I wanted to make better decisions in my life and be a better person. I will now be the guy who makes sure everyone has a safe ride home at the end of the night. Thank you again for touching me that evening. SL
April 8, 2023 – The program was very hard to listen to but worth the time. I appreciate Steve, Officer Hays, and Amanda for their time. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain and suffering Amanda shared with us. Thank you everyone for your help and time. LF
April 8, 2023 – Attending this program has impacted my life forever. I will never be under the influence of of anything. I will never allow anyone to drive intoxicated. My heart hurts knowing any family that has endured this pain. CS
March 1, 2023 – It was very sad and eye opening for me. I have been lucky over the years and never want to be in that situation, so I am going to try out this sober life for a change. Thanks for getting in my face about this tragedy that happens every day. It really does put things in perspective. SG
January 14, 2023 – This program was very impactful. Helps you take accountability and also acknowledge the impact it has on everyone around you. It’s very selfish to drink & drive. Steve was very honest & direct. I loved the panel family & the videos. CJ
December 7, 2022 – It was a very helpful class when I attended! It was useful and it guided me to a right direction. Thank you again for this class!
December 7, 2022 – I feel the class was very real life, I see these car crashes on the news and I am aware this happens, but to see the video and the victims speak is much closer to the heart. I want to say thank you for the class and your time you have invested in putting this together. RC
December 7, 2022 – Survivor Speakout has opened my eyes and taught me a lot and not to drink and drive because it could hurt you and other people out on the roads. With that said I’m glad I learned my lesson. AD
December 7, 2022 – You are a powerful speaker giving an important message. You come through loud and clear doing a great service to the community. Thank you! GR
December 7, 2022 – I am planning on checking myself so I do not wreck myself. Hendricks County has made a believer out of me. Thank you for sharing! PM
October 8, 2022 – I attended the victim impact panel on October 8th. It was very well done. The presentation was motivating and insightful. JP
October 8, 2022 – I thought the program was super fantastic and made me really think about how drinking and driving can affect others. I truly don’t think I will ever do it again because of the impact it could have on not only my own but someone else’s life! I thought the speaker did an awesome job and his presentation was very informative! Thank you!! SS
September 7, 2022 – I really appreciated your humanity and compassion granted to the speakers and those of us in attendance while emphasizing the importance of accountability and better decision-making. Rather than being scolded, you allowed us to tangibly see the consequences of bad decisions and the unintended outcomes as a result. This experience has resonated within me to move forward from my mistakes I don’t intend to repeat. Thank you for all you do for the community. AP
September 7, 2022 – It is a shame that the class is necessary and I am in the boat. That being said, excellent job. It was very well done, intense but not accusatory class. You should be proud of the balance that were able to achieve. DB
July 16, 2022 – I appreciated your presentation. You surely sent the right message across. Hopefully it will just take one of these panels to connect with them (younger generation). This is unfortunately my second and hopefully my last occurrence of impaired driving. The statement of impaired driving really struck home with me. I really appreciated the time I was there. I was totally dumbfounded when the young lady stood up and told her story. I’ll never forget it. It was presented in a way that everyone in the room will remember. JC
June 2, 2022 – (Survivor Speakout) was very educational and very heart breaking. Was heart breaking to see the videos and hear the mother speak about her daughter. I will forever remember the entire thing. But what upset me the most was looking around at everyone in the room with me and no one from what I could see showed emotion or compassion towards these lives that were lost. I cried during and even after talking about it to my mom the tears just kept going. The mother was so brave and has such a huge heart to be able to come to these speaks out years after the tragedy and have to look at all these people in the eyes and most with no emotions thats the most heart breaking. I thank you all for doing this for people and trying to make a difference and helping save lives. Thank you so much and I wish the best for the families. MB
June 2, 2022 – “The impact of this program and those like it truly will save lives. It puts into perspective how bad decisions affect not only yourself. It is an invitation to make better decisions instead of a session that places blame.” CM
June 2, 2022 – “Thank you again for the presentation and talk that you coordinated and presented last night. You have my most sincere thanks and appreciation for what you do. I was very moved by what was presented last night……and my heart truly went out to the extraordinary people who lost their lives and their families and friends. It was a solemn occasion and I was very touched by it……as well as your concern for me. Please know that I am very glad to have been present last night to listen to your words and to see and come to know of the faces and lives of so many victims….and the strong advocates for such a worthwhile and important cause. Thank you so much.” SR
May 14, 2022 – Outstanding job on getting the point across without feeling like you’re attacking the crowd. I didn’t feel attacked and I didn’t feel like I wanted to just shut down and not pay attention. Outstanding presentation and putting it into context. Great job to Steve and to all involved with Survivor Speakout. I will be attending these meetings as a guest and hope to bring people with me to open their eyes. Much respect and God bless! RW
May 14, 2022 – This panel was very informative and moving especially hearing from the mother of a victim and someone who caused a death from their actions it put a lot of things into perspective and definitely made a big impact on me. DH
April 6, 2022 – I found Survivor Speakout appropriately real. You convey the message in your face but with passion not anger. Having a victim/ or a person just like everyone else there talking hit pretty hard. I’ve been sober for 2 years now but it still sent a message home. I actually think about it a lot. JM
March 2, 2022 – The class was a good reminder of what the dangers are of driving impaired. It was really eye opening to see Justin Land’s victim. Knowing him and hearing about it didn’t do the photos any justice. It’s one thing to hear about what someone did. It’s another to see something like that. Just glad I’m not living like that anymore where I have to worry about me possibly causing something like that. SC
March 2, 2022 – I definitely enjoyed the class. It was an eye-opener. Yes it was harsh but sometimes we need that to wake up from our bad judgment. I believe you when you say you care about individuals because you show it. I will come away from this class realize in the consequences of getting behind a wheel impaired. This also changes my judgment when I ride my Harley. EB
February 23, 2022 – This program is such a great eye opener. I left this program thinking about all of the survivors and ones that lost their lives. I couldn’t help but sit there and apologize to them in my head over and over again. Everyone always thinks “this won’t happen to me” or “im fine” but you’re wrong. It can and it will happen. This program makes you cherish what you have because it can be gone in a blink of an eye due to a selfish choice. The things that were shown and said will forever be stuck in my head. The staff and guest were amazing and are only there to help you, not treat you like a bad human. JJ
December 1, 2021 – Awesome class very deep!!! TH
December 1, 2021 – Although this was required for my probation, it was very impactful for me. I have a 20 year old daughter who drives at night for her job, and seeing those mothers talk about losing their child in such a horrendous way really hit home. I am one of the lucky ones and thought so even the night I was arrested. As a nurse, I’ve always cared for others and I’m not sure I could have lived with myself if I had hurt someone by my choice to drive drunk. I relate to Kristen because I thought I was ‘okay’ and left a party not 2 miles from home, and was pulled over in front of my subdivision. I always tell my kid to drive safe and be safe, but it wouldn’t matter if others aren’t doing the same. I realize that I’m good fun without alcohol and really am not missing anything that great. I watched my mother die from cirrhosis and swore I’d never be an alcoholic. But even if only ‘social drinking’ I still made a poor choice. Thinking is definitely impaired, as I was always one to grab someone’s car keys if they were too drunk to drive. This program would be good for ANY driver, especially with everyone on their phones and not concentrating on just driving. Thanks so much for what you do, and God bless all of you who put themselves out there for this. KC
December 1, 2021 – The presentation was very enlightening and informative. EP
December 1, 2021 – I was a bit apprehensive when I initially found out that I would have to attend this meeting. If I’m being totally honest, I was mad. I felt like a criminal. It just seems like every week I am having to give more money to Hendricks county, schedule a drug and alcohol class, spend 72 hours at the work release program etc. Not to mention that every single day, I have to call an automated number to see if I have to “test” that day. I was pulled over after after leaving a friends house, just sharing a few glasses of wine, less than 8 minutes from my own. Just 2 turns to my house that I had driven 15 times. I was pulled over right in front of my neighborhood. Why me? This wasn’t fair at all, I thought.
The day of the meeting I was talking to my mom and I was complaining that I would be missing my daughters senior guard meeting and a fun dinner afterwards with all the guard moms. As I was talking to her, I stopped mid-sentence and thought, “Oh my goodness, think how these speakers must feel that they have to come out, on a cold December, so close to Christmas and talk about a loved one that they lost due to an impaired driver! They won’t ever get to do another thing with the person they lost and I will have many. How down right selfish of me to even be a tiny bit upset! I am so fortunate to be sitting here and given another chance to make a different choice, if ever in that situation again.”
I thought it very kind that Steve started out telling us that no one is “mad” at us, no one hates us and that all they want to do is help us make a better choice if there is a next time or we are around someone that we feel shouldn’t get behind the wheel. It’s like he was in each and every one of our heads! It was a great way to start the meeting out, helped my entire body relax and opened up my heart/mind even more. Thank you for that.
It was quite evident that every single person in that room was moved by each speaker, to include Tamatha’s poem and Lt. Jeff’s info. We ALL felt it and saw it in each other as we walked out of that room. Each speaker had a different story to tell. Although the pictures were horrific and unimaginable to a person never to have experienced anything close to this horror, they were on point and served the purpose of reality. This was not a TV program, this is REAL and this is why you shouldn’t drive while impaired. IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU! It could have happened to me or anyone else in that room, no matter how little or how much they had in their system or how close they were to home.
I appreciate each person that took the time to speak to us that evening and I feel that the program is very beneficial. Thank you. SE
March 3, 2021 – I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect the night I attended Survivor Speakout. I knew it would involve something to deter me from ever getting behind the wheel of a car after drinking. The atmosphere was light and friendly upon check in. However, the next two hours were heart wrenching and almost surreal. Hearing the family members tell their stories of their lost loved ones was very challenging. But not nearly as challenging as seeing the images of the crashes and autopsy pictures. All the while, knowing those same family members were watching and reliving their horrible experience over and over again. I can’t imagine any compassionate person in that room would ever get behind the wheel of a car again after drinking. GB
March 3, 2021 – This class touched me deeply, the young girl who lost her sister, the women that lost their babies, all because of someone’s selfishness! I was also touched by Steve’s story. It wasn’t me I hurt for, but those I hurt or could have hurt during my selfish moments of drinking! I no longer drink and drive. I did not set out to drink and drive. I wasn’t thinking of the outcome! And I will never allow that to happen again. I was touched deeply by this class. I appreciate all of the strong voices I heard! Their words and losses will forever be in my mind! I’m so sorry to all that I may have hurt, I’m embarrassed and that’s okay! I deserve to be embarrassed! I deserve everything I got! I just want to thank you all for doing what you’re doing, it truly makes a difference! You all rock! Much love to you all! JS
March 3, 2021 – A very eye-opening and thought-provoking presentation. The speakers worked together like a well-oiled machine. It hit home for me because I was one that received a phone call in the middle of the night when one of the victims died. (One would think I would have learned then.) I was also impacted when Steve said “I don’t care if you lost your job.” I was one of the selfish ones worried about my job. BC
March 3, 2021 – I accompanied my dad to Survivor Speakout. Powerful doesn’t even begin to give this program justice. We had NO Clue what to expect. I left feeling physically and mentaly drained. I am probably the one percent who has never driven under the influence. Our hearts were so heavy for the families losing their loved ones. Everyone has a story. Unfortunately, this program is in existence, but I AM SO thankful it is! The message has to be said! Consequences of choices! Thank You ALL for bettering our future. God Bless. DW
March 3, 2021 – This class was very eye opening, reminded me of the stupidity of my actions, I appreciated the speakers (victims’ family members) as well and felt horribly bad for them. JK
(September 2, 2020)
Man that really changed the way I think and really truly appreciated the opportunity, It gave me clear vision to just give up drinking and continue to do God’s will and works. I pray for the families that they give their hurt and pain unto the Lord, and pray for them to have the peace that surpasses all understanding. I pray for the ones in prison and thank the Lord that he sent that (officer) to pull me over and saved my life as well as somebody else’s possibly. CH
(September 2, 2020)
I found that the last presentation with the photos of the deceased and the vehicles was the most powerful and thought provoking. ET
(March 4, 2020)
This was a very Eye Opening Experience. If attending The Survival Speakout Victim Impact Panel doesn’t really affect the vision of your future, then I’m afraid and pray for what lies ahead of you! Steve was an excellent instructor who didn’t make me feel shamed for being there but rather just concerned because he Genuinely Cares for the people he is speaking to and about! A lot of the stories and Videos were really hard to watch and listen too but at the same time had my complete and full Attention! I just pray most of the people in the room were affected the same way I was by attending! God Bless Everyone who spoke and helps make this class a reality! God bless our Police officers, And God Bless all of the victims and families that we have placed in harm’s way with our Poor decisions! Only we can change our future, and at the same time change other innocent peoples fate. SB
(March 4, 2020)
I have two daughters that are about the same age as the victims. To see and hear graphic details of their last moments on earth were heart wrenching and really hit home. Steve utilized a good combination of stern and serious, yet empathetic and sincere as well. My eyes welled at moments throughout the video. Sometimes with thoughts of my children potentially being victims and how devastating that would be. However, I was mostly impacted by Anita and Hannah. The amount of courage it would take to recount the loss of your loved one, and actually see the pictures again of her lifeless body and put yourself through that again. All to try and help change even one person’s decision making or perspective on driving under any influence. I looked back while her daughter Elizabeth’s story was being recounted in graphic detail along with her singing and giving a speech the week before. My heart was completely aching for her and her daughter Hannah. Who now looks so much like her older sister. I have so much respect for everyone involved. I appreciate everyone that spoke and took the time to try and make a positive impact. BE
March 4, 2020)
I had interest in attending this panel after seeing Steve Pyatte was the coordinator and looked forward to hearing from him. Didn’t realize I could register as an offender. After looking closer, and with my court date set for the next morning, I decided to attend. I have attended one before for a prior, but was not close to emotionally challenged as this panel was – fighting back tears through every speaker. CG
(March 4, 2020)
It was an eye opening experience for my daughter and myself. Hearing the mom and sisters stories about what happened to their innocent daughter and sister. Also, the young man that was responsible (for another young woman’s death) and his consequences. LL
(December 4, 2019) What a great presentation. Is eye opening, very real And oh wow that poem that Tamatha read at the end it touch my heart. Thank you so much. It was an awesome experience. WW
(December 4, 2019) First, I would like to express my condolences to all. In 2006, my uncle shot himself in the head in my grandparents living room. I was there when the cleaning crew got there and turned on their lights. I will never forget what that room looked like, the blood on the carpet. Steve, I can empathize with you. In July 2019, I snorted a line of heroin and got in the car to pick up 2 of my children from my mom’s house. My girls were 2 years old and 6 weeks old at the time. I passed out driving and was heading into oncoming traffic on US 40 and Center Street in Plainfield. By the grace of God, the car stopped and I didn’t hit anyone. I was arrested and placed on probation. I struggle with my addiction but I am trying daily to become a better person, the person I want to be, the wife my husband deserves the mother my children deserve. A couple of weeks ago, I found marijuana in my 15 year old son’s room. I am terrified he is going to go down the same road I’ve traveled and I don’t want that for him. I would like for him to attend the next survivor speak out, if that is possible. Please let me know! Thank you. KW
(December 4, 2019) Highly motivated not to drink and drive. My heart goes out to the survivors. TW
Very powerful messages in the speakout (September 4, 2019), opened my eyes to a lot. Very thankful for the class and what I got out of it. I think it’s a great opportunity for people to see the effects of their actions and to see what could happen to people and their families in the light of drunk/impaired driving. EB
(June 5, 2019) In such a setting as a victim impact panel one is given an opportunity. A doorway to choose honesty. To stop and be honest with one’s self about why I am here listening to this sobering information. These gut wrenching realities. I left with a new clarity on just how selfish my choices and actions were and a new determination to turn my life around and be of value in my community rather than putting others at risk because I am a selfish fool. Seems harsh? Not really, no it really isn’t. I believe truth is powerful and exposing people to truth will sow seeds and a reap a good harvest. The courage and fortitude of the victims who share their story to help others is heart breaking yet inspiring. Keep up the good work and thank you for the valuable lessons you present at these meetings. It is extremely worthwile.
(June 5, 2019) I would like to say that this program is very moving and should touch so many lives. It definitely touched mine. The speakers were so amazing to be able to tell their stories especially with how close it hits their hearts. I believe this program should be even more involved with more people to prevent these tragic things from happening. It is an eye opening and soul touching program and I will be suggesting to people I know to attend as well. I want to thank everyone ivolved in this for their strength and also pray for all families involved in loss and life changing. Thank you and God bless.
(June 5, 2019) I would like to start by thanking you for your time. I felt the format, and information in the SSO meeting was excellent. I appreciate the fact that family of victims are willing to tell their tragic experience and/or face the cause of their loss. It truly was an enlightening session, and again appreciate the time from everyone involved.
(June 5, 2019) This program is truly moving. I knew I had made a horrible decision the night it was made, but this program will stay with me forever. It honestly made me feel that any teen about to receive a license should attend. The speakers all spoke to us on a very real level and I will carry their words with me throughout life. I couldn’t be more sorry for the choice I made that night and thank God I wasn’t hurt and didn’t hurt anyone or cause any damage. This program was a blessing and made me feel the need to be further involved in any way I can. MJ
(June 5, 2019) This is a definitely a worthwhile program. I feel very lucky that I didn’t hurt someone or worse for my selfish behavior.
(June 5, 2019) I am grateful that I was able to go it was a real eye opener. Before coming I said I wouldn’t drink or drive again and I’m not! But seeing those images and that mother touched me in a way where I see everything so different and would never want to hurt anyone nor myself and would be just as mad if that ever touched my family. Thank you Steve for what you do you sure will be one of many who has turned my life around and for that I thank you! God Bless. BW
(June 5, 2019) I thought that Survivor Speakout was very real. It will make a person think about ever driving drunk. The speakers were great. PS ——————-
(March 6, 2019) I felt it was a very eye opening program that will stay with me forever. MB
(March 5, 2019) I went to this program once before and I got alot from it. (2014) Unfortunately I had to do it again. This time I was so profoundly grateful to Steve and Tamatha and Deputy Hays and the other speakers (Anita Tate). I was touched to the core by the stories I heard. I took away so much more this time around. If I ever find myself in a similar situation I will go back to this presentation before I drive under the influence. I recommend this to everyone who needs to complete this process. You will not be disappointed! It may seem like an inconvenience of probation but you will not leave the presentation thinking the same way!! HS
The speakers and videos definitely make an impact on me. (March 6, 2019) CS
Although pretty graphic, it is factual. I am not a drinker and driver and this was an isolated circumstance I had put myself in. I am not a drinker, and digusted with my own choices. I look back and know I will never ever put myself in any situation like that ever again. I should have called someone no matter how fine I felt. After seeing the real life situations and listening to Anita Tate talk about her daughter I felt her pain. (March 6, 2019) My kids knew of these kids and I remember Elizabeth and Nathan Gentry stories. This experience made me see them in a way I did not want to think of anyone’s child. I have my own children and would be insane if someone drinking took one of my children or grandchildren. I hurt a lot of people that care about me, trusted me, and even looked up to me. I am the trunk of my family and I shed a lot of leaves that night and I have to grow back bigger and stronger then ever. I will prove myself worthy of being trusted again. KM
Intense for we are talking about real people . Having the family members and the people who created the accident, listening to the stories. Therefore knowing it happened makes it intense. Thank you MTC
While I Can not say my experience was a pleasant one (March 6, 2019) i would like to start by saying, I Couldn’t Imagine being a victim as the Parent Whom Spoke, I thought initially that Steven was a bit of an Jerk but by the end of being informed of my Ignorance I found myself not being able to impress others the way he left me the day after. I can not thank him enough for every word and approach he presented, It was necessary to get my attention. I will never be the same after seeing the reality of Victims impact. My wishes are that this would become Mandatory in every School and other events, it will Change everything about the way you Drive and your awareness of other Drivers, I find myself begging My Wife and family to watch for Impaired Drivers aggressively. I Can not thank everyone involved for this reality Check, and pray for the previous victims and the future Ones. It is hard to say but Thank you.
I think it was very helpful; (December 5, 2018) it puts you in the shoes of the other side of the situation and does make you realize how truly lucky you are. I cried when both the mothers spoke and I’m just so thankful I didn’t injure or kill anyone else or myself. Driving impaired is very dangerous and very stupid. I’ve made this mistake more than once but I know for certain attending this panel made a difference in my thought process. The pictures will definitely play in my head before me or anyone I know gets behind the wheel while under the influence of anything. MC
Thank you to everyone that spoke (December 5, 2018) it really impacted me. I wish I would have went through this whole thing before I was arrested. I feel strongly that if this was shown to people in high school then things would be a little different. I would have done everything different that night. I would never want to put any family though the trauma and sorrow. NF
I attended the class on December 5, 2018. This is a very powerful presentation. I am a first time offender and let me just say, it will be my last. This truly hits home for anyone that has children, loved ones, or just anyone close to their hearts. It’s a real eye opener. We all seem to think that it will never happen to us but this program will show you just how wrong we are to have that mind set. I am amazed at the courage that the speakers have after such tragedies! I applaud them and I would never want to be in their position! Thank you for allowing me to see that I am the “LUCKY” one. PM
Thank you for a great program! (December 5, 2018),I was very nervous & anxious about attending, but it was perfect, and I am now thankful I had to go. It’s something that everyone should see at some point. Had I seen your program sooner, perhaps I would not be in my current situation. If you ever need volunteers to help with the program, I would love to help — even just paperwork or stacking chairs ;-)) Thank you again for a very worthwhile program. AT
Being from Hendricks County my entire life and knowing some of the victims, this was indeed an eye opening experience! I can 100% guarantee that I will never again be behind the wheel of a car impaired in any way! I had made that vow to myself prior to attending SSO (September 5, 2018), but those images are forever etched in my mind! I will not be the person that causes this kind of unbearable pain to anyones family, friends, and loved ones! I am fortunate to be one of the “lucky ones!” Thank you and I hope that you continue to make the impact that you made on me! God Bless!! DF
After the presentation (June 6, 2018) I was glad I got pulled over. I am the one who said this to you the night of the presentation. This has changed my life forever. I am fully focused, sober, etc when I am driving now. I truly thank you. CE
My experience at the survivor speak out (June 6, 2018) was very saddening. My heart was broke for the people who had to experience losing a loved one. I will never drink and drive againI actually quite drinking because of my experience. I would feel very deeply sorry if I killed someone or if my children had yo grow up with out a father. I appreciate u showing me that it has opened my eyes to the realization of the problems that exist in the world if more people had to do that every week or even once for some would never drink and drive. My condolence to everyone that has lost someone dear to them! BL
I am a repeat offender and have attended this program 2 other times in Marion County. This (Survivor Speakout, June 6, 2018) was the most impactful of them all. Some of this is in part to the changes in my life this time around. However, I couldn’t help but consider how my family would do if they would have lost me in any capacity from my poor choices. This was also the first time I heard a testimony from an offender. It was frightening to hear it from the offenders’ own mouth and imagine that it could have been me. The crash site and autopsy photos were jarring and will never been forgotten. I have already shared this experience and talked about how insane it is to drive under the influence to several people outside of the meeting because of this experience. EM
Great program, although I feel as though I already put myself thru that class myself I’m glad it was there to reinforce me on new path I have set for myself. I was worried I would be shamed and that is not at all what I got from this class… just a reinforced wake up call. TE
I been there’s on June 6 (2018) at the hall of Survivor Speakout when your speech, honesty When I listen your speech and the victims’ families told us about their story it’s really touch my heart. I am so sorry for all the victims’ families and I thank for all those who give us the best way to go safe others people and safe our children and communities, including my family and myself. I never thought about it could happen to us any day in a second when we drive with drunk, yes it could, so you change my life which is for the movies you show us. I sure I will never ever drive again when I drink a beer. Anyway, I thank you for Steve and all the victims’ families who share us their stories and show me the best way things to do. Sorry for my broken English, I wish I can speak & write perfectly as my first language. Thank you and God bless you Steve and all the victims’ families who lost their life. DT
The program (June 6, 2018) is definitely a game changer, my thoughts are just like someone help you not to commit mistakes one day and your helping us out not commit it one day; I would like to do the same with others by showing the videos and showing the true effects of our mistakes; is there a way to copyright or give out at the end of each class a dvd/cd of the PowerPoint/video that is shown and help spread us out the word of how lucky we are? My prayers went out last night to the families that were victims as at the end we are all victims. JJ
I really appreciated attending the Survivor Speakout program. (March 7, 2018) Everything that you spoke about I have been working towards since my accident. In this life we live we must first be able to admit the things that we need to work on. Also be grown enough to admit when we are wrong and accept every action that comes with being wrong. Cognitive Dissonance over everything. I appreciate you sir, your delivery is everything! Keep teaching the way you do whether they get it now or in the future! Be blessed and thank you again. DS
It was the most heart wrenching experience. (December 6, 2017) Although I was/am aware of what can happen seeing the hurt, pain, devastation and experience of people who have died, survivors living with loss and visually how graphic accidents are. It was utterly horrific and I do not want to be responsible, see or want to experience such. I am remorseful of my decision to drink and drive and although I did not have an accident am horribly saddened. It was the most difficult thing I had to watch and I am definitely not going to drink and drive, will strive to encourage others not to do so and would always suggest others if they are incapacitated to get a lift home but definitely do not attempt to drive. It was a major eye opener for me and I am totally glad that I attended the panel. I have learnt my lesson. Thank you for allowing me to experience this. Those images would forever be etched in my memory and would be a constant reminder to keep me on track and to help others from making that mistake. CH
As someone who’s never been in trouble and made a terrible choice to drink and drive one night I was so affected by this program. (December 6, 2017) I can’t imagine the pain these families are going thru. As a mother I can’t imagine losing a child or them losing me. The pictures of the victims will forever live in my head. I pray for the families and hope one day they find comfort. AK
I wasn’t sure what to expect prior to coming to the Survivor Speakout (December 6, 2017). I had already felt horribly about what I had done, especially by creating danger for others. After seeing the videos and photos you showed us, I felt even worse. I never meant to put anyone in danger, but I did. I regret what I did. I always told myself I would never drink and drive. I don’t remember making the decision to drive after I had way too many drinks at a friends house. No one stopped me either. No one cared enough to tell me I had too much to drink, or even take my keys from me, but it’s not their fault. It’s mine. I’m the one who drove after making the decision to drink. I put drivers on the road at risk. I put my family at risk. I put my life at risk. I have learned a lesson, not just from the Survivor Speakout, but with what I could have potentially done to my family and families of others. It’s not easy to feel this way, but the way the families feel that lost loved ones is worse than anything I could feel about what I did. Thank you for putting together your meetings to show people about the dangers of what they did, not just for the danger we put ourselves in, but the pain we could have caused others. I felt their pain. I lost my mother to suicide and I started using alcohol to cope with my anger and pain. I got out of control and this OWI was a wake up call that I was traveling down a slippery slope. Thank you again for what you do. You are saving lives. AH
I found the presentations (December 6, 2017) to be both very powerful and moving. It was a vivid reminder of what’s really at stake, and I for one am thankful for having attended. KL
(December 6, 2017) Although I have already decided not to ever drink and drive again, this pushes the issue even more! This was very beneficial to me! Thank you for all that you do! BW
(September 6, 2017) Wow!! This time I have received the wake up call! The energy in the room was just different then the last time I was there. Or maybe my mind was open this time, I wasn’t thinking that can’t/won’t happen to me the whole time. I was thinking that could’ve been me as the hairs on my arms were standing, as I listened to the saddness in the victim’s families voices. I can’t imagine getting a call like that about my little brother who is about to start driving or my twin cousins who just got their licenses or anyone close to me! I am disgusted that I have made this mistake more than once, that I do not value my life or life of others as much as I think I do. Since I have moved back to Danville from being away for awhile, I have learned how much I appreciate being apart of this community. It’s individual like you (Steve Pyatte), Mrs. Hasty, Jerry Cunningham, Mr. Peters, and Coach Barber that make this community great! I want to be apart of this community in a positive way not someone people look at and call a failure or whisper behind my back, but talk about me in a positive way. I do not wish to fear law enforcement in this community, but to embrace them for laying it on the line for me and this community each and everyday. So thank(s) again to you and your team for making it real this time for me and for being apart of this community! Sincerely, DM
I’m glad I got to attend survivors speak out. (September 6, 2017) Really opened my eyes to what I did and I’ve learned that it was the dumbest decision I’ve ever made. Not only could I have hurt myself but I could have killed an innocent life. I also learned and realized that I could have taken myself from my daughter for one dumb decision. Just want to thank you for opening my eyes and making me see the big picture. This class is definitely not an inconvenience made me see my life In a whole different way! AW
I felt the program was very well organized and efficient. (September 6, 2017) The words of Steve (owner) spoke to me as he spoke on a personal level. It also helps that he has also been in my position. Just never got caught. When I first arrived I did have the attitude that it was an inconvenience and it was just part of my probation. And it’s funny because Steve looked right at me when he said “some of you are here because you have to and it’s just an inconvenience, just $30 out of my pocket.” Throughout the course my attitude changed. When Josh (Stroud) spoke about his dad and his experience it hit me hard. Because I’m very close to my father and it would probably kill me if that happened to me. I want to say thank you to all the men and women that spoke last night. I will honestly say that I will call a family member or friend to drive me next time. Thank you, AD
I really appreciate the education on the reason it is not an accident to get a DUI. The information that I received from the 2 hour session (September 6, 2017) really helped me to really think about the choices I have made to drink and drive. I am lucky that I caught and didn’t take someone’s life. I appreciate the program informing people in my situation and would really like for this to be something that is taught in high schools all over the world. This really opened up my eyes to a bigger picture. I use to think that it was just my luck that I got caught, now I can say that I’m glad an officer pulled me over and didn’t allow me to take a life or my own. I say thank you to the program and keep informing people. I am a strong supporter of your program now. Words can’t express the way this program has impacted my life. For those people that think I’m just saying something good to look good, take the class for yourself. I use to think I knew it all, but the vivid pictures and stories of others has changed my mindset. We, as people, should always listen, learn, and apply what we have learned throughout our lives. Keep up the work. JA
I came to this meeting (September 6, 2017) not trusting people that are supposed to serve and protect…but something happened to me tonite at this speak out meeting. I realized that there are some good policeman out there that are truly trying to help I witnessed people that had lost their loved ones from drunk drivers and people that actually was the cause of someone’s death by driving under the influence and seen some of the most horrifying pictures I’ve ever seen I will never again get behind a wheel under the influence I want to thank you and everybody in this project for opening my eyes.Thanks again. LL
(June 6, 2017) Very great program, learned a lot and makes you realize how dangerous the decisions you make can be and how life changing one decision can be, thanks for taking your time out of your day to teach people. I give it an A+. CM
I found your (June 6, 2017) program informative as to the dangers of DWI, OWI, or DUI. I believe that more should be said about a persons body being able to build up a resistance to alcohol and/or drugs to the point where they induce more to get less of the buzz/high they’re seeking…It is a good program! RH
This was one of the best class (June 6, 2017) I have had since I was teaching PTSD classes to my fellow Marines after our time in the War Zones in Iraq. The impact was incredible and hit the target point as directed. I have seen death and the aftermath up closed and it is not pretty and how you and your panel gave their own accounts hit me in the gut again. It remind me of when I first actually took life in combat and had to review the target to make sure my mission was complete. I know I made a very stupid mistake of OWI and have not had a thought of a drink since. I will not be one of those 1 out 3 repeat defendant on this subject. Again thanks and I planned on attending more in the future just to keep me focus. BB
I recently attended the March 1st, 2017 panel and I was enlightened by those who stood before the group to speak. The officer spoke about the side of a police officer, which was insightful to know what they go through with such charges. They are truly trying to save lives. Inconvenience is a keyword in such that you are not inconvenienced by the charges or payments rather that if you were to hurt someone you have inconvenienced someone of their life as well as thier family of ever seeing them and that is far more agonizing than probation. The victim’s families shared the stories of the days that would impact them years to come. The ones that struck me the most that of Nathan Gentry and Ron Stroud. When I listened to Josh Stroud I could see the pain as he explained that fateful day. Nathan’s mother’s story was compelling because the pain of parent reminded me of my daughter who was born recently. She like the .270 is a reminder to not make mistakes like I did July 1st, 2016, the day of my arrest. I will educate her about driving under the influence when she is old enough. Thank you for the opportunity to learn more about the consequences of driving under the influence as well as a thanks to those whose willingness to share their stories to educate drunk drivers of those consequences. GW
(March 1, 2017) Everyone should see this presentation. It is a stark, in your face, reminder of what can happen when we make poor decisions. RF
I was a guest at your presentation (March 1, 2017). It got to me real bad. I will never drink or smoke dope and drive again. I feel so sorry for the Victims. The videos I saw About the ones getting killed I will never forget. my heart goes out to the family’s that lost there love ones due to an impair driver. The reason I was there is cause my son was one of them drunk driver. I am so glad he got pull over before he kill himself or someone. I don’t know about anyone else there but it sure the hell made a big impact on me. I Promise I will never drink or take drugs and drive. The presentation was great heartbreaking but great. You may e-mail me back if you like. If I can do anything to help please let me know LO
I just want to say how much of an eye opener this experience was for me (March 1, 2017). There are so many different emotions that you experience during this and none of it is a good feeling. I think the thing I appreciate the most of it all is the reality of it all. It definitely hits home for me. My mother attended with me. She has never been in trouble but it did make her aware of other factors that could play into something like this, not just drugs and alcohol. I feel that both of us definitely benefited from this experience in different ways which is a great thing. your program is amazing and honestly if it doesn’t open peoples eyes once they leave that building, there is no hope for them. I honestly think that if you don’t leave with any sort of guilt feeling or shame or heart ache…..I don’t I can’t put it into words. my mother and I were sitting there crying our eyes out for these families. the families that were sitting right behind me watching the last video….tears falling from their eyes….and that broke my heart worse. you were absolutely right…..I was a lucky one…..I got pulled over. but never again….situations like these…..we are selfish….I have a 14 year old daughter and all I could picture was her in Josh Stroud’s place….all because of a selfish decision I decided to make. thank you so much for putting this program together… thoughts and prayers will forever be with those families. VV
The SSO session that I attended (March 1, 2017) was very moving and emotionally filled. Steve did a fantastic job of presentation. His ability to scold the crowd while still feeling love from him at the same time was by far one of the best mixes in, I don’t want to use stage performance because I don’t want it to downplay the severity of the situation, but his stage performance was powerful and I thought he did a great job. The victims all did a great job and it took a lot of courage for them to stand up in front of a bunch of offenders and tell their stories. I think anyone turning 21 should go to this survivor speak out. Going into it I was thinking, man this is going to suck and be a waste of time. I was really dreading going before hand. When It was over I was completely shocked. It was absolutely the opposite. The speak out blew my mind in the amount of seriousness and not so subtle presentations. If nothing else positive comes from my experiences from my stupid decision previously then this was worth it to hear about the families that had lost so much. I usually don’t leave feedback on anything unless I believe in a product. This is definitely a program I believe in and am happy to have attended in my life. If you have to go to this, then there are a lot worse things you could have to go. If you are a guest and want to take someone who is just learning to drive, or just turning 21. I would suggest taking that young individual. I hope this program is around when my daughter turns 16 because I will be taking her to this or one like it. JH
This was an amazing program to learn about good choices bring good consequences where as bad choices bring bad consequences. Absolutely, I was shocked to hear from real victims how DUI effected on their lives. Instructor was awesome with clear & loud Voice. Well done. It went into my head and I was in tears. RC (attended SSO on December 6, 2016)
Thank you for providing the SSO last night. I had no idea how incredibly difficult it would be to sit there alone. I honestly don’t know a time where I’ve been so emotional. I was deeply touched by Jordan’s story, realizing that could have been me. The young man who spoke of his father’s death when he was only 10 years old broke my heart. How brave he & his family were to sit there through the video presentation. Speaking of video, Nora was right, it was reality, much worse than any horror story I’ve seen on television. And lastly thank you for sharing the story of your son in law, as someone who has deep depression, I could identify in a minor way. I’m sorry for your loss. Best wishes & Merry Christmas to you & your family. JR (attended SSO on December 6, 2016)
I thought it had some more impact on me! Very well done, it actually brought tears to my eyes!! From the man that went to prison, to all of the people that were killed by impaired drivers. When I was in jail for my offense I had decided right there and then that I was not going to put myself in that position again. This impact program just put the exclamation point on that. I promise to god, family and friends I will never drive impaired again!!! Thanks again for this program. TT (attended SSO on December 6, 2016)
I honestly found the SSO to be like a reminder of how lucky I truly was. I could have hit someone when I crashed my car, or I could have killed myself. Hearing Jordan speak and watching the video at the end was what really did it for me. I already knew from the moment I crawled out of my car that I would never drink and drive again, but seeing the victims’ family members speak and all the cars with the victims in it really hit home. SS (attended SSO on December 6, 2016)
I want to start out by saying I went to the Dec.7 2016 SSO program and that it was very tear jerking and a learning experience too. The families, and videos that were there to show what alcohol does to innocent victims really should be shown out there more before it happens. Nobody deserves to be in that situation. I can say I am ready to make a better for myself without alcohol involved. I pray for others who see life a better way without the bad it brings in life. Bless all of the families of the innocent victims, you and missed ones are in my prayers. God bless. SP (attended SSO on December 6, 2016)
I believe the presentation was handled in a professional manner. Could tell that a lot of valuable time was put into everything. The videos/pics were pretty graphic, however minimal compared to what the victims and their families have or had too endure. The horrific tragedies they have experienced and continue to experience for the rest of their lives is sad to think about and is unimaginable. It made me think about of how lucky I really was, that things could’ve been worse. I’m thankful for the police officers, judges, probation officers, counselors and for everyone in our community that has to deal with or is affected by people and their poor choices(can tell they really care about their community). Listening to everyone and all sides of the stories, helped to put things into perspective of what could happen to any one of us. The lady who spoke and lost her child brought tears to my eyes, knowing she isn’t able to experience the things that we all take for granted when she cried I could feel her sadness and pain when she spoke. My heart goes out to her and everyone there last night. BE (attended SSO on December 6, 2016)
I think that it was eye opening. I expected to be picked apart and called a horrible person. Instead it was more towards telling us how lucky we got. The message I got was were humans, we make mistakes and that court stuff really is no fun but that I got off easy. I know I can’t change my past but I still have my future! On a final note I would like to thank Steve and all of the victims for taking all the time to care to speak to us that they all will remain in my thoughts. SM (attended SSO on December 6, 2016)
I thought that the program was very influential and should continue to serve as a tool to hopefully stop drunk driving. It brought to life the consequences of drinking and driving and that is something that I think people need to see. ER (attended SSO on September 7, 2016)
There was so much emotion being wound up in the room that I felt my heart drop for every victim affected by people like me. Although my situation did not result in a death or injury, I still felt responsible. I was especially intrigued by Jordan Pratt and the victims situation. I have a 17 year old daughter and I don’t think I could ever forgive the offender involved an outcome like that. I do not blame the families for their jagged words and sharp tears. I am deeply ashamed of my behavior and my ignorance. Even though I do not know the turmoil those poor parents are going through, I can surely taste their tears. The speaker Steve is absolutely an amazing spokesman. He is 100% authentic and radiates an aura of love, respect and contempt. I could not get a good nights sleep for more than a few days after this presentation. I mentioned to my wife that if there is some way I can try and give back or help out to this program that I would indeed enroll. She agreed and said she would join me. Thank you, JS (attended SSO on September 7, 2016)
Prior to attending this program (June 1, 2016), I was admittedly indifferent about the content, context, and impact that this session would offer me. By content, I ignorantly concluded prior to going that this would be a stereotypical session normally offered through a high school equivalent driver’s ed curriculum or similar; a light hearted production, with the occasional speaker belittling the participants; no real engaging content to which one can connect to. I was heavily misguided in my assumptions. By context, halfway through the program, the speaker’s repeated words kept haunting me: “Choices & Consequences.” In addition to his words, he made a statement that I will never forget. Directed at the whole group, he stated that we “intentionally” drove impaired and put at risk the lives of innocent people. It took me a couple of seconds to comprehend the context of this statement. He followed with, “You intentionally chose to get impaired, you intentionally turned the ignition, you intentionally put the vehicle in gear, and you intentionally stepped on the gas.” An overwhelming sense of shame came over me, as it finally dawned on me that this was a factual statement. For the last five months, I have compartmentalized that I never intended to drive impaired, or to endanger the lives of other drivers, pedestrians, or even my own. I was also heavily misguided in my rationalization. The fact remains, I intentionally did do all of those things. By impact, the light hearted production I had assumed was much heavier than I could have anticipated. The imagery is forever embedded in my memory banks. The lifeless bodies and empty expressions on their bloodied faces will haunt me. Some more than others, but one in particular stood out. I hope to never see it again. I have a four year old daughter that is my greatest accomplishment. My mind for the first time visualized the possibility of either her, my wife, mother, father, or sister laying there motionless, bloodied, and disfigured beyond belief. Victims by the hands of an individual who made an irreparable choice; a life altering choice, a choice with the power to destroy the lives of the innocent within a fraction of a second; the choice to drive impaired. I can never fathom the loss, injustice, carnage, and soul wrenching chaos that an impaired driver can cause. I was fortunate; law-enforcement intervened. I pledge to never drive impaired again and to endanger the lives of others, my family, including my own. I will lead by example and one day impart my daughter with one of life’s most valuable lesson… “Choices and Consequences.” Have personal integrity, be guided by a moral compass and choose your path wisely. The ruinous consequences can never be undone, a life taken can never return, and what may seem like a harmless act, may in fact expose itself to be the exact opposite. RP
I took alot from Survivor Speakout (June 1, 2016) and it took a lot to hold emotions and tears back. I didnt consider myself part of the group because I smoked a bowl with a buddy instead of drunk driving, but as the seminar went on, it made me realize that, while marijuana isn’t “as bad” as alcohol (i dont drink much as it is anyway) it is still an impairment, and ultimately, while I didnt hurt anyone or get hurt myself, I did cause another vehicle to hit the median on Rockville Rd. It could have been so much worse, and the images from the scenes you showed up popped in my head. I still have trouble trying to get the images out of my head and try to just focus, but there is a reality to these things that no one really thinks about, especially me. It makes me slow down more when I drive and focus more instead of just trying to get where im going. The whole thing about thinking about me me me, I honestly thank you for the lesson I learned in that course and will keep in mind from now on. DR
I attended the March 2nd, 2016 session as a guest with my son. What I heard from the guest speakers and saw on the video was so heart wrenching, and breath taking. It’s hard to imagine that we deal with this on a daily basis. As the mother of 3 I can’t begin to imagine the pain these families have and continue to go through. Unfortunately this is the second time my son has been to this Survivor Speakout. My son’s vice is alcohol, so it’s been quite a roller coaster in our home for the past 10 years. Alcohol and drugs change a person and we saw this in our son. As bad as it sounds my son was lucky. I wanted my son to see my pain and sadness, so I told him I would be joining him for this, and he asked “are you sure”? He said “I don’t think you understand how graphic this will be”. Well-he was right, it was graphic and hard to hear and see. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Steve, Tamatha and the Sheriff. I didn’t feel intimidated, or like any one was being judged. Steve is a good speaker and you can tell that he cares, and wants to help people. I like the way Steve described or referred to people struggling with drug addiction. Steve said “it’s a disorder”, it’s a disease. In my mind it’s comparable to being a diabetic or having cancer, it needs to be treated, and each person requires something different. The drugs or alcohol are not who they are, they are still Mark, Bob, Sally or Jane, and their illness is the alcohol or drugs. It was nice having someone be so genuine with their message, and shake your hand, and thank you for coming. Knowing the pain and worrying that I have personally gone through with my son, I wouldn’t hesitate to share more graphic pictures, and if you have children or baby’s share them to. I’m a firm believer in taking responsibility for our actions good or bad, and Steve did a fantastic job of making it clear that everyone sitting there couldn’t blame anyone but themselves for being there. Thanks again for providing this and allowing me to be a guest with my son. SJ